Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego i Doradcy Podatkowego Justyna Kuś, Dariusz Skłodowski Honestus spółka partnerska brings together a team of experienced and ambitious attorneys-at-law, advocates, and tax advisers for whom the law is not only a way of life, but also a passion. We hold ourselves accountable for our clients' affairs and their success. We have extensive experience and expertise in providing legal and tax services to clients operating in various economic sectors. Every case we take on is as important to us as it is to our clients.
We provide legal and tax services to businesses of all sizes - large, small, and sole proprietorships in the form of both permanent and ad hoc cooperation with a particular focus on serving family businesses.
We specialise in providing services to industries including manufacturing, property development and construction, fuel, transport and shipping, cosmetics, hospitality, e-commerce, dropshipping, temporary work agencies, international trade companies, wholesale, and retail of various entities.
Our substantive knowledge, supported by extensive experience and familiarity with the issues of running a business in Poland, means that we are able to face every legal and tax challenge, seeking the most optimal solutions for our clients, tailored to the nature and needs of their businesses.


  • day-to-day support of the company,
  • corporate law, transformations, M&A transactions,
  • real estate and construction law,
  • consumer bankruptcies,
  • drafting, reviewing, negotiating agreements to be concluded, including investment agreements,
  • court disputes, including debt recovery litigation,
  • copyright and industrial property law,
  • GDPR - personal data protection,
  • labour and social security law,
  • legal audits of real estate and businesses.


  • submission of requests for individual tax interpretations,
  • developing strategies and analysing tax issues related to mergers and transformations of commercial law entities,
  • ongoing tax advice for entrepreneurs on personal income tax, corporate income tax, value added tax, tax on civil law transactions, inheritance and donation tax, flat-rate income tax and fixed amount tax, real estate tax,
  • audit and/or fiscal supervision,
  • representing Clients in tax and fiscal penal proceedings,
  • representing Clients in proceedings before the administrative courts, including the Supreme Administrative Court.

The knowledge and experience of our team allow us to provide the level of tax services that our clients expect from us.

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